An Advent with The ACJC Alumni Choir 2020

Posted in News & Events

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The Anglo-Chinese Junior College Alumni Choir marks the season of Advent each year to declare God’s goodness and love, with music that has been written in honour of Christ’s birth. For the past twelve years, we have put on “An Advent with The ACJC Alumni Choir” every December with the aim of bringing the joy of the season to our listeners.

This year is no exception. Despite not being able to sing live for you, we have come together as a choir, nonetheless, to record — either from our homes, or in groups of four or five at the Victoria Concert Hall — our first ever digital Advent presentation, comprising three Christmas pieces:

Gaudete (Anonymous)

Lux Beata Trinitas (Ola Gjeilo)

Joy to the World (Arr. Lowell Mason/ Words by Isaac Watts)

The choir is proud to premiere “Lux Beata Trinitas” or “Blessed Light of the Trinity” — written for us by Norwegian composer Ola Gjeilo, and commissioned with the generous support of William and Mavis Tok.

If you would like to explore making a commission, please reach out to us at

Blessed Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us!

Emcees: Lianglin and Jamie Zhu